10 facts about female cats

Last week we published a topic about 7 facts about male cats and therefore it was necessary to dedicate today’s topic to beautiful cat ladies.

Yes, female cats enjoy other things than just being a soft ball of fur, they have amazing things that you may be surprised when you first get to know them.

God willing, in this topic, we will give you 10 facts about female cats, an enjoyable read.

She can get pregnant at an early age

Unfortunately, the female cat can get pregnant at an early age, and you may ask why I started my phrase regretting this fact, and this is because the poor cat may have its organs still in the stage of maturity, and it also has little experience in life, and this may cause it some problems.

That is why experts in breeding cats always advise not to let them get married at this early age, and they also advise to sterilize them in case they give birth to unwanted kittens so that the street is not the fate of the poor kittens.

There are indicators that may affect the age at which the female cat may reach, such as the breed. Siamese cats are known to reach sexual maturity early compared to the breed of long-haired cats such as the Shirazi cats.

You are expected to live longer

On average, female cats live one or two years longer than male cats. If you have a cat, this is not a reason to be convinced that your girl is never invincible, because we are talking about average age only.

There are other obvious factors that can affect the life of the pet, such as whether he lives inside or outside the house, because domestic cats are expected to live more than their sisters who live on the street.

In the previous topic when we mentioned this fact, some of you found it difficult to believe it!

Therefore, we must point out that the reason why the average life expectancy of cats living on the street is less than usual is that cats who live outside are exposed to more risks, such as traffic accidents and serious poisoning, in addition to diseases that may affect them and find no one to take care of them.

Most clico cats are females

Calico cats are very famous, as they are found in abundance in our Arab regions, and for those who have not seen them before, they are distinguished by the fact that their fur contains 3 colors, the white color as the main color, then the black and orange colors that are present in most places on its fur.

It has become clear to scientists that most cats of this type are females, and there is a scientific reason for this phenomenon, because the appearance of these three colors on calico cats is due to a genetic code found in the X chromosome.

And because females have two X chromosomes compared to a male who has one X chromosome and another Y, females are more likely to have these three colors.

There is an exception that may occur in the case in which the male is born with an additional X chromosome, but this is very rare, and according to a study, out of 3000 calico cats, only one male cat is included.

Females prefer to use the right hand

Cats have a dominant hand, just as it does with humans. You must have seen someone using the left hand more than the right.

The female cat prefers to use the right hand to do its daily routine, such as climbing stairs or reaching for food, and perhaps to climb over things as well, and other actions.

Interestingly, this issue differs according to the sex of the pet. Unlike males who prefer to use the left hand, females prefer to use the right hand.

In fact, there is a study that found that 52 percent of females show a preference for the right hand, while 20 percent of females did not show any preference and continued to use the right and left hand together, while 28 percent of them showed a preference for the left hand.

And if you have a female cat, we encourage you to share with us which hand you prefer using the most in the comments.

The name Bella is the most common name given to female cats around the world

It seems that the name Bella is not only a common name among girls, but also a common name among female cats, according to the petinsurance database during the year 2021.

We do not hide from you that it is an elegant and suitable name for those who wish to adopt a female cat, and it means beautiful in the Italian language, and it is often used to call females who bear the names Isabella, Annabella, and Arabella, but recently it has become used as a separate name.

And if you have a cat called Bella, or know someone who raises a cat with this beautiful name, share that with us in the comments.

Females are adopted less than males

In fact, we do not know why this happens with females, although there is nothing wrong with them. According to a study that took place in the animal shelter in Troy, USA, females were kept in the shelter on average until 8 months before being adopted, while males, on average, were adopted. in 6 months.

And there are those who may believe that males are more friendly and gentle than females, but in fact the degree of familiarity and kindness differs according to the personality of the pet and not according to its gender.

And if you are thinking of raising cats, we advise you to make your decision based on the degree of your compatibility with the animal, as well as the extent of its need for help, and not based on its gender.

A female cat can become pregnant from more than one male

This information seems funny, especially when it is evoked in the form of a meme attached to a picture of a cat and its young, who look alike, except for one of them.

When the female cat is in the period of mating request, and this coincides with the presence of two or more males, and mating between them and all males, this may lead to fertilization from more than one male.

And this phenomenon does not occur with cats alone, but can occur with cows and dogs as well.

Two cats are on the top of the list of the richest pets

Because the time has come to talk about money, and it seems that females have more luck in this aspect if there are two cats in the first 3 ranks on the list of the richest pets in the world.

As the lead is occupied by an elegant dog named Gunther, while the second place is occupied by the famous cat with its always frowning face, and the revolution of this cat is appreciated.

Nicknamed Grumpy Cat, it cost about 99 and a half million dollars, and unfortunately, it passed away in 2019.

And in third place is the cat of famous singer Taylor Swift called Olivia, with an estimated revolution of $ 97 million.

The advertisements that these pets bring, as well as the commercial brands that they represent, are considered the most important sources of this revolution that they possess.

The pregnant cat is called the Queen

We don't know if you've heard of this before or not?!

Cat breeders around the world call the female cat the queen when she is pregnant, and she continues to hold this title until she weans her young and stops taking care of them.

While the unsterilized male cat, who always requests mating, is called tom, and with this title, females are superior to males by being the only one that is described as a royal title.

This may sound like an uninteresting fact but because it is so cute we decided to add it to the list.

And in the last topic 10 facts about female cats

The title of the most long-lived cat carried by a female

Yes, as I heard that a cat named Creme Puff got the title of the most long-lived cat, and that its name is registered in the Guinness Book of Records.

This strange cat lived 38 years and 3 days, during the period from August 3, 1967 to August 6, 2005.

With this positive fact, we conclude the topic of 10 facts about female cats. We hope you enjoyed the topic.